
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Habit of mind :: essays research papers

A habit of judicial decision is a way of view that one acquires over time. It is a type of thought that involves mentation beyond what society considers right or wrong, but acknowledging through complex thought, what is morally right. It is not easily achieved and is somewhat like a muscle, in that you obligate to build it up over time through intellectual officiate and hardship. Not everyone shag achieve a strong habit of mind, in fact most dont. The habit is a way of thinking that allows one to communicate with knowledge when the answer is not initially app atomic number 18nt. In put in to think in this complex manner a person has to be well educated in all subjects of intelligence. Having a safe education goes hand in hand with having good habits of mind, because in order to rush positive functioning habits, a person has to be well rounded enough to considered every possible theme to the problems or questions make up. creation able to use a habit of mind also requi res a type of thinking where others nor any outside force constrains any ideas or solutions . This by definition is a habit of mind. The characteristics of a good philosopher are someone who possesses the qualities to use their habits of mind and be able to think on a higher level than most do. Though everyone has their own rummy habits of mind, philosophers are trained to think at a level where their habits of mind are stronger, and thus are always looking for, and usually stick to up with the best solution to questions, or problems posed. Plato is an example of a philosopher he wrote a book, The Republic, which is a novel outlining the steps in order to require a good philosopher. Plato speaks through Socrates in the book, and Socrates gets involved in many an(prenominal) challenging debates and philosophical conversations with people along his journeys, allowing him to strengthen his habits of mind. Philosophers are posed with the challenge of attempting to solve many of life s unanswerable questions. One example would be the question as to whether abortion is right or wrong. Both sides can be contestd, pro life or pro choice, and both have sufficient evidence supporting its side. Although it would make sense that the person whos fully informed on the subject and has the best ability to argue their contention will prevail in the conclusion of the argument, a solution is not usually possible.

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